What are the

benefits of Reiki?

* Promotes natural self-healing

* Balances and amplifies energy levels

* Reduces the physical, emotional, mental and energetic impacts of stress

* Relieves physical pain, stiffness and tension

* Helps alleviate depression and anxiety

* Balances the chakras

* Restores emotional balance, self-esteem and mental clarity

* Aids meditation and positive thinking

* Supports spiritual growth

* Alignment to heart and soul's purpose

* Improves sleep 

* Heightens intuition and trusting one’s instincts

* Releases anxiety and old stored emotions

* Increases creativity

Reiki complements traditional medicine and is not meant as a substitute for necessary traditional medical care. Science now recognizes that Reiki does shift the electromagnetics of our biofield. A number of experiments continue to show that Reiki is a powerful aid in physical healing. In hospital and controlled settings, Reiki has been proven to improve sleep, reduce pain, reduce nausea, reduce heart rate and improve relaxation in Cancer rehabilitation, and support the body's process of healing in acute & chronic illness.